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ETF: Commodity ETFs in your portfolio

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Commodities tend to give investors a sense of security. Gold is especially popular during political and economical turmoil as the current COVID rally is making abundantly clear. The presence of a tangible asset at the other end of the transaction is comforting to those who are at all times geared for the apocalypse. While it’s ...
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ETF: Understanding the CoreShares Global Property ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Fortunately the abysmal performance of the local property sector is not the symptom of a global problem. The CoreShares S&P Global Property (GLPROP) exchange-traded fund (ETF) offers property lovers an opportunity to enjoy the security of a physical investment and steady income in developed economies. Unlike local ETFs that invest heavily in commercial real estate ...
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ETF: Understanding the CoreShares S&P 500

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

For investors in a market with only 153 listed companies, access to an index tracker that gives one instant access to 500 companies is a boon indeed. When that tracker costs only 0.39% of your investment—as the CoreShares S&P 500 (share code: CSP500) does—all the better. The S&P 500 index has been around since the ...
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ETF: Understanding the 1nvest SWIX 40

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

The 1nvest SWIX 40 ETF is a top 40 product with a difference. Like many other local products, this ETF invests in the 40 biggest companies listed on the JSE. Unlike other top 40 ETFs, however, this ETF doesn’t just invest more in bigger companies. In fact, weighting an index by local shareholders was the ...
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ETF: Understanding the Shari’ah 40 ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Effective 1 March 2023, this ETF  is now the Satrix Shariah Top 40 ETF (JSE code: STXSHA) Aligning profitability with ethics is a sticky problem. Since businesses don’t seem to get it right, it’s not that surprising that ethical ETF choices are limited. Over the years the local industry has seen some attempts at ethics-driven ...
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ETF: Understanding the 1nvest Global Property ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

In days of yore, a property investment involved an immovable collection of bricks and all the concentration risk of a physical thing in a physical place. It also required an enormous amount of capital or debt upfront. The introduction of listed property made it possible to benefit from property investments without the capital outlay and ...
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ETF: Invest in the USA

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

In bygone days, the only way of getting offshore exposure in an investment portfolio was a complicated process involving moving and managing money abroad. While this process is still an option, it normally requires a large chunk of money to be worth the fees. Having assets offshore also complicates estate planning, because you need a ...