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Comparing ETFs: Asset classes

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Investing is about more than just shares. There are a number fo different asset classes we can buy and this article digs into the details.

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ETF: How to read your MDD holdings

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Inside each ETF is a number of companies. Comparing the sectoral and top 10 exposure of these ETFs will help you understand where exactly your money is going. Here we help you unpack your sectoral exposure and the top 10 holdings in your MDD. The point of this exercise is to avoid concentration risk.

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ETF: How to read your MDD objective

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Each MDD starts with the objective. These objectives can be littered with jargon and is very likely to send you running for the hills. Here we discuss some of the words you should look out for and their meaning: index; weightings; market capitalisations; selected, capped, price performance and script lending

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ETF: How to buy the whole world

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

In this episode of The Fat Wallet Show, Simon and I discussed the merits of a single ETF strategy based on this Lars Kroijer video. By the end of the episode I land on an ETF investment strategy that is simple and easy to implement. I want exposure to all the world’s markets, weighted by ...
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ETF: Understanding the CoreShares Global Property ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Fortunately the abysmal performance of the local property sector is not the symptom of a global problem. The CoreShares S&P Global Property (GLPROP) exchange-traded fund (ETF) offers property lovers an opportunity to enjoy the security of a physical investment and steady income in developed economies. Unlike local ETFs that invest heavily in commercial real estate ...