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ETF: Understanding the CoreShares S&P 500

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

For investors in a market with only 153 listed companies, access to an index tracker that gives one instant access to 500 companies is a boon indeed. When that tracker costs only 0.39% of your investment—as the CoreShares S&P 500 (share code: CSP500) does—all the better. The S&P 500 index has been around since the ...
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ETF: Invest in the USA

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

In bygone days, the only way of getting offshore exposure in an investment portfolio was a complicated process involving moving and managing money abroad. While this process is still an option, it normally requires a large chunk of money to be worth the fees. Having assets offshore also complicates estate planning, because you need a ...