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ETF: Understanding the Satrix INDI

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

The Satrix INDI is an ETF with a difference. This week, we look at the benefits of excluding banks and mines from an ETF and what that means for your portfolio. Banks and mines play an important role in the South African economy, which is why many of our indices include big mining and banking ...
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ETF: Six questions to answer before buying an ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

A strong investment strategy is a critical part of any attempt at successful investing. When you have a record of why you chose a certain type of investment, you are better equipped to handle the inevitable curveballs the market will throw at you. Without an investment strategy, you might be tempted to jump ship at ...
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ETF: How local is your Top40?

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Geographical earnings is an important consideration when putting together an ETF portfolio. Avoiding over-exposure to a particular region protects your portfolio from geopolitical instability. Local pension and retirement annuities (RAs) have to be Regulation 28 compliant. Until a week ago, 75% of these funds had to be invested locally. Add an ordinary Top 40 ETF ...
The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: Optimal diversification strategy

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

Aside from low cost and simplicity, ETFs are appealing because diversification is built in. When you invest in the 40 biggest South African companies, you invest in different sectors and different regions. You even get a degree of asset diversification in the form of property stocks. Episode 48. 48 minutes long. @simon_brown_za doesn't think I ...

ETF: Rand panic and your ETFs

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

The rand took a nose dive yesterday as news broke that finance minister Pravin Gordhan has been summoned to appear in court on charges of fraud. Bank shares also took a beating, which could be worrisome for holders of FINI ETFs. With the news of Deutsche Bank still fresh, it seems there’s nothing but chaos ...