JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Selling too early

Simon BrownLatest, WorldWide Markets

Simon Shares Prosus (JSE code: PRX) selling another 2% of Tencent. Purple* (JSE code PPE) trading update for six months ending February. HEPS of about 0.85c. They did 1.54c HEPS for full year ending August after a loss in the first half last year. So this period showing slower growth. Purple Group, daily chart Growthpoint ...
JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Two trillion dollars

Simon BrownLatest, WorldWide Markets

Simon Shares PPC (JSE code: PPC) have made a deal with their DRC lenders. They potentially owed US$175million but now are only on the hook for US$16.5million. This stock was 60c in November and is now around 240c. PPC daily chart Renergen* (JSE code: REN) says helium concentration is +3%. But reference the US has ...

Video: Everything ETFs and tax-free

Simon BrownPower Hour, Video Invest, Webinar and Video

December saw the twentieth anniversary of the first Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) listing on the JSE. Since 2000 the industry has grown to over R110billion in assets and 137 listings covering all investments options (local, offshore, equity, bonds, commodities and property). This first Power Hour event of 2021 was presented by Simon Brown and he ...

Podcast: Commodity super cycle?

Simon BrownLatest, WorldWide Markets

Simon Shares Interesting titbit from TigerBrands (JSE code: TBS) update "It is too early to conclude whether the lower consumer demand levels evident in the month of January reflect an even more challenging environment than what was experienced over the past year." Upcoming events; Weekly, Wednesday at 5.30pm ~ Follow the Trader 18 February ~ Everything ETFs ...