A new total world Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) from CoreShares offering true global exposure in 25 developed markets & 24 emerging markets.
Should you be buying individual shares?
During a bull market, you can almost buy any random stock, or even pick a 10x stock by pure chance, and make money from it. Unless you’re unlucky. But can you outperform the market as a whole?
New Sygnia global ESG ETF
Sygnia will be removing stocks that don’t meet their ESG requirements and that will hence change the weightings of the remaining stocks. But will it improve returns?
ETF: Understanding TER
As investors we don’t know the TER (the cost of running an ETF ) before we pay it. Here we explain how these costs are calculated
Video: Everything ETFs and tax-free
ETF: Understanding the NewFunds Momentum Equity ETF
ETF: Understanding the Satrix 40
Video: Twenty years of ETFs with Mike Brown
Why I liquidated my portfolio
There’s an old saying, “When we don’t know any better, we do our best. When we know better, we do better”.
ETF: How to read your MDD holdings
Inside each ETF is a number of companies. Comparing the sectoral and top 10 exposure of these ETFs will help you understand where exactly your money is going. Here we help you unpack your sectoral exposure and the top 10 holdings in your MDD. The point of this exercise is to avoid concentration risk.