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ETF: Understanding feeder funds

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Feeder funds allow issuers to offer offshore ETFs without having to buy the underlying shares. This means less administration and, importantly, lower fees. Satrix introduced feeder funds to the South African market with three offshore ETFs in 2017. Other ETF issuers have followed suit since. The 1nvest global range consists entirely of feeder funds. You may ...
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ETF: Understanding the 1nvest Global Property ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

In days of yore, a property investment involved an immovable collection of bricks and all the concentration risk of a physical thing in a physical place. It also required an enormous amount of capital or debt upfront. The introduction of listed property made it possible to benefit from property investments without the capital outlay and ...
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ETF: Track your favourite with the JSE

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

ETF investors don’t need to pay too much attention to daily market movements. Indices follow rules. Since ETF issuers take care of the rule following, us investors can basically just sit back and watch our assets grow. Traders and individual share investors rely heavily on performance data to keep track of the success of their ...
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ETF: Do volatility managed ETFs work in volatile times?

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Remember those strange volatility ETFs Absa launched a while ago? They were specifically designed to protect your money during volatile times. If you’ve looked at your investments even briefly in the past two weeks, you don’t need me to tell you that the volatile times have arrived, wearing sequins and singing show tunes. Hint: You can ...
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ETF: Understanding the Satrix Momentum ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

The Satrix Momentum ETF (JSE code: STXMMT) works on the assumption that companies doing well in terms of share price and earnings will continue to do well in the future. Factor-based investing is index investing 2.0. Companies are included based on certain shared characteristics. In the case of the STXMMT, that characteristic is an upward ...
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ETF: ETFs and tax

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

You may have noticed we’re a tad tax obsessed at the moment. February is the end of the tax year. We find this thrilling! Since the introduction of tax-free investment accounts, we’ve been especially pumped about our tax returns. In this post we’re going to explain the taxes for which you are liable when you ...
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ETF: Understanding the 1nvest Global Bond ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

With the stellar performance of the US stock market over the past few years, investors are starting to feel jittery about just how long a good thing can last. If all your profits are making you nervous, lucky you! At this point you might be thinking about moving some of those profits into a safer ...