Locally there are four ETFs covering the large S&P500 index. We dig into what the index is and the differences between the the four local ETFs including costs and dividends.
ETF: Low fees double your investment*
Investment fees are down some 95% in the last few decades and that has almost doubled the amount invested by individual.
ETF: Three secret fees
Know your ETF fees, it is more than just the transaction fee and this week we detail others; TER, spread and inflation.
ETF: Understanding TER
As investors we don’t know the TER (the cost of running an ETF ) before we pay it. Here we explain how these costs are calculated
ETF: How to read your MDD fund information
Minimum disclosure documents (MDD) have lots of useful information about your ETF. Here we explain these sections of your MDD: Fund classification (this tells you what type of asset you’re invested in and where in the world that asset lives), Distribution, Portfolio currency, Rebalancing, and Fees.
ETF: Should I sell my old ETF?
Just One Lap users often want to know whether to sell their existing ETFs. It makes sense to pay attention to the weightings of ETFs in your portfolio and how that relates to your strategy. Since new exchange-traded funds (ETFs) list on the market every year, a product more suited to your strategy might be ...
ETF: Understanding feeder funds
Feeder funds allow issuers to offer offshore ETFs without having to buy the underlying shares. This means less administration and, importantly, lower fees. Satrix introduced feeder funds to the South African market with three offshore ETFs in 2017. Other ETF issuers have followed suit since. The 1nvest global range consists entirely of feeder funds. You may ...
ETF: I’ve lost money!
If you are new to ETFs, you probably feel bewildered. You’ve mustered the courage to transfer your money to a broker, you bought an ETF on the recommendation of a friend or based on your online research. You are a Serious Investor, so you’re ready to see the stock market at work. However, so far ...
ETF: Spread as ETF cost
We often talk about the impact of the total expense ratio (TER) or the total investment cost (TIC) on your investment. The index (a representation of the price performance of a group of companies) will always outperform the ETF (the product that tracks the index). That’s because the index is just a tool for tracking ...
ETF: Are cheaper ETFs better?
The local ETF market continues to expand. Greater competition in the space achieved what greater competition always achieves - lower prices. We’ll never complain about low investment costs, but having so many similar ETFs to choose from is causing some anxiety. If two index-trackers track the same index, the one with a lower TER will ...