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ETF: Understanding the Africa Palladium ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

When the market is particularly unpredictable, some investors like to invest in physical assets. The Standard Bank Africa Palladium ETF combines the emotional comfort of investing in a physical asset with the ease of buying a share. Palladium is a precious metal used to produce catalytic converters in cars. It's also used in the medical, ...
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ETF: Understanding the NewFunds ILBI

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Effective 1 March 2023, this ETF  is now the Satrix ILBI ETF (JSE code: STXIFL) Being able to retire would be impossible if our investments didn't beat inflation over time. The Satrix ILBI ETF (STXIFL) invests in inflation-linked government bonds in an attempt to preserve your buying power. As we explain here, inflation is when ...
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ETF: Understanding the Divtrax ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Dividends are an important consideration in an investment strategy, especially for those nearing financial independence. A well-considered dividend strategy can ensure tax-efficient income without needing to sell any investments. The CoreShares Divtrax ETF (DIVTRX) includes South African listed companies that have paid a dividend for at least seven consecutive years. Should a company in the ...
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ETF: Understanding the SYGWD

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Since this blog first appeared in February 2016, the local market hasn’t made you rich. Internationally, too, the markets haven’t exactly been sweeping us off our feet. Luckily for investors in this and other dollar-denominated ETFs, there has been plenty of currency movement; for offshore ETF investors a weak rand makes for a strong portfolio. ...
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ETF: Finding dividend superstars

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Dividends are probably the easiest thing to understand about investing. This is how business owners make money, after all. When a company they own makes a profit, they take the money. What are shareholders if not part business owners? However, listed companies aren’t required by law to pay dividends*. Whether they share their profits depends ...