When checking two ETFs with the same shares some may have different prices. Gareth Stobie, CoreShares, explains why.
ETF: How to read your MDD objective
Each MDD starts with the objective. These objectives can be littered with jargon and is very likely to send you running for the hills. Here we discuss some of the words you should look out for and their meaning: index; weightings; market capitalisations; selected, capped, price performance and script lending
ETF: A place for new ETFs in your portfolio
While ETFs started out as broad-market products weighted by capitalisation, local ETF issuers have also ventured into more complex index methodologies to offer something for every taste. Here we explain more about these ETFs so you can decide if they have a place in your portfolio.
ETF: Understanding the CoreShares Global Property ETF
Comparing ETFs: Methodology
ETF: Concentration risk in ETFs
In an ETF weighted by market capitalisation, your exposure to companies with rising value will increase as share prices rise, and decrease as share price falls. The risk is that over time your overall portfolio could inadvertently become over-exposed to a single sector or even share.