nil paid letters

Video: What are nil paid letters (NPLs)?

Web AdminLearn Investing

What are Nil Paid Letters (NPL's)? Why does a company issue them? Who decides the price? What can you do with them? Are they a good or a bad thing? Do you sell or take them up? A Doomsday ETF from Dr DoomA Doomsday ETF from Dr Doom16 January 2025Predictions 2025 with; Marc Ashton, Keith ...

Video: Understanding Key Investment Ratios

Web AdminLearn Investing, Power Hour, Webinar and Video

Key Investment Ratios Investing is numbers, literally hundreds of them consistently bombarding us, but the important point is that we cannot look at a number in isolation – we need to look at the relationships between the numbers. The Ratios. This video, presented by Just One lap founder Simon Brown, covers the most key investment ratios, many …

exceptional stocks

Video: Exceptional companies, exceptional stocks

Web AdminLearn Investing, Power Hour, Webinar and Video

Finding exceptional stocks with Keith McLachlan The starting point of finding exceptional stocks is  finding exceptional, high quality companies. In this webinar by AlphaWealth small cap fund manager, Keith McLachlan, he investigates what makes one company better quality than another, and looks into how we can measure this. Keith discusses: why you should look for ...
Momentum portfolio update

Momentum Portfolio March 2015 stock selection and update

Web AdminLearn Investing, Portfolio update, Webinar and Video

Momentum Portfolio update Momentum Portfolio March 2015 This will be a practical webcast as Just One Lap founder, Simon Brown, will show how he sorts and decides on the top shares that will be in this years momentum portfolio (Top and MidCap). The Mar14-Feb15 returns after all costs were; Top40 +29.25% MidCap +43.12% Life time ...