One of the most important parts of investing and trading is not just performance but tracking performance growth relative to your benchmark. In other words how do your returns stack up against the market overall because if you’re under performing you’re better off simple buying ETFs. But how do you track performance? The simplest way is to ...
Video: What are nil paid letters (NPLs)?
What are Nil Paid Letters (NPL's)? Why does a company issue them? Who decides the price? What can you do with them? Are they a good or a bad thing? Do you sell or take them up? Xi Jinping makes nice with Chinese tech | Anglo raids Anglo Plat cash pileXi Jinping makes nice with ...
Video: Understanding Key Investment Ratios
Key Investment Ratios Investing is numbers, literally hundreds of them consistently bombarding us, but the important point is that we cannot look at a number in isolation – we need to look at the relationships between the numbers. The Ratios. This video, presented by Just One lap founder Simon Brown, covers the most key investment ratios, many …
Video: Tax Free Momentum ETF Portfolio
Simon Brown's tax free momentum ETF portfolio Tax is a real issue when trading Simon Brown's momentum strategy. You have to beat the benchmark by a decent margin after costs to ensure you're still ahead once tax has been deducted. The tax free savings accounts (TFSAs) offer a perfect vehicle to trade the momentum portfolio, ...
Video: Exceptional companies, exceptional stocks
Finding exceptional stocks with Keith McLachlan The starting point of finding exceptional stocks is finding exceptional, high quality companies. In this webinar by AlphaWealth small cap fund manager, Keith McLachlan, he investigates what makes one company better quality than another, and looks into how we can measure this. Keith discusses: why you should look for ...
Video: Is it time for resource investments?
Is it time to start looking at resource investments? The JSE Resource Index has averaged a 4% pa return over the past 6 years. That's a horrible return for resource investments! During that same time the Indi 25 has returned 30% a year and the Property index 23% a year. But now most resource investment ...
Video: Building a portfolio by starting small
Building a portfolio So you want to start building a portfolio which will one day rival the giants? How do you even start building a portfolio? You have a little bit of free cash which you can add to over time, but the journey from a small amount of free money to a huge share ...
Momentum Portfolio March 2015 stock selection and update
Momentum Portfolio update Momentum Portfolio March 2015 This will be a practical webcast as Just One Lap founder, Simon Brown, will show how he sorts and decides on the top shares that will be in this years momentum portfolio (Top and MidCap). The Mar14-Feb15 returns after all costs were; Top40 +29.25% MidCap +43.12% Life time ...
Video: Winning stocks on the JSE
Winning stocks on the JSE Ten-year returns excluding dividends*; Aspen +1,926%, Capitec 2,734%, PSG +2,021%, NaspersN +1,979%, Coronation +2,486%, EOH +2,827%. The list above is not complete but it is a sample of some of the massive winning stocks on the JSE over the last decade. In the same period, the Top40 index returned ...
Video: Portfolio diversification
Portfolio diversification is more than just buying a bank and a miner; we need to not only diversify across sectors, but also geographies (currencies) and asset classes. This video looks at the benefits but also the why as well as the how including the following asset classes; Equity Debt Property Cash View the learn investing ...