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ETF: How index trackers can ruin the market

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Doomsday scenarios about ETFs abound. The basic premise is that ETFs and other index-tracking investments will one day become so large that it will destroy the financial market as we know it. Price discovery causes the most consternation. In a perfect world, the forces of supply and demand regulate price. Because index trackers buy shares ...
investing in Japan

ETF: The case for investing in Japan

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

If exposure to Asia is what your portfolio lacks, your options within the South African tax-free investment environment are limited. Japan might no longer be the economic powerhouse of yore, but the Deutsche Bank MSCI Japan ETF offers local investors an opportunity to get great value at a good price, says Galileo Capital’s Warwick Lucas. ...

ETF: New international ETFs by CoreShares

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

CoreShares’ two new offshore ETFs are the first to launch since I became ETF Nerd #1 and boy, am I excited! Come November I’ll be able to get my offshore kick with a local flavour. With the drama still unfolding at Deutsche Bank, offshore options from a local ETF provider seem particularly well-timed. Fortune apparently ...

ETF: Rand panic and your ETFs

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

The rand took a nose dive yesterday as news broke that finance minister Pravin Gordhan has been summoned to appear in court on charges of fraud. Bank shares also took a beating, which could be worrisome for holders of FINI ETFs. With the news of Deutsche Bank still fresh, it seems there’s nothing but chaos ...
deutsche bank ETF

ETF: Deutsche Bank ETF panic

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

South African ETF investors looking for offshore exposure have had a convenient vehicle in the Deutsche Bank x-tracker ETF products. We have been supporters of these products, both through personal investments in x-tracker ETFs and by recommending the ETFs to our users. Last week the global financial system was rocked by speculation that the German ...
what etf should I buy?

ETF: What ETF should I buy?

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

Your debt is paid, your insurance and medical aid policies have you covered and your emergency fund is looking healthy. You are ready to start investing! We spoke to ETF guru Nerina Visser about an investment starter pack to help you get acquainted with the markets. TIP: Click here for the full podcast with Nerina ...