ETFs for investing and retiring

Video: ETFs for investing and retiring

Simon BrownLearn Investing, Power Hour, Video Invest, Webinar and Video

…beta. South Africa equities, bonds, listed property, smart beta and high income earning assets. Physical Commodities Currencies Balanced Portfolios, including actively managed ETNS. Mike Brown, Managing Director and founder of, and father of ETFs in South Africa having started the first ETF at Satrix in 2000 unpacks how to choose between the different ETPs…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Is an IMF bailout really imminent?

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

…But it fells like we’re down 100%. That all said, over the last year Top40 is 8.8% excluding dividends. ETFs for investing and retirement. Dividend ETFs. * I hold ungeared positions. Download the audio file here Subscriber to our feed here Sign up for email alerts as a new show goes live Subscribe or review us in iTunes Is…

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ETF: Volatility ETFs explained

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

…simply, giving equal exposure to all companies in the ETF. In recent times, these methodologies have become increasingly complicated. These days companies are included based on certain criteria, such as how much their share price moved recently or how many assets they have compared to their share price. These fancy ETFs are sometimes called “smart…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Prescribed assets

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

…future value Managed volatility ETFs explained Upcoming events; 05 September ~ JSE Power Hour: Benefits of offshore investing * I hold ungeared positions. Download the audio file here Subscriber to our feed here Sign up for email alerts as a new show goes live Subscribe or review us in iTunes Prescribed asses A lot of people are worryingly asking…

Debt: Avoidance fees

Kristia van HeerdenDebt, Latest

…in the long run. As we’ve explained before, spending money you don’t have comes at a cost. You pay interest on money borrowed. Formal debt channels like credit and store cards come with monthly account fees too. For this reason, the money you repay will always be more than the money you borrowed. These additional…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: US heading for recession?

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

Simon Shares Local Q2 GDP came in at 3.1%, higher then expected but what struck me was the comment from Stats SA ~ “spurred on by a build-up of inventories and increased household expenditure”. Now we have seen Woolies* (JSE code: WHL) and Shoprite* (JSE code: SHP) both comment that the second half to end…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Hello Prosus

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

…his first computer at age 33 starting Alibaba in 1999 and the company is now worth some US$460billion. * I hold ungeared positions. JSE – The JSE is a registered trademark of the JSE Limited. JSE Direct is an independent broadcast and is not endorsed or affiliated with, nor has it been authorised, or otherwise…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Will Trump juice the markets?

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

…left who still use cash anyway? JUUL CEO Kevin Burns has just announced he is quitting. Wealthy Maths: Calculating dividends Up coming events; 10 October ~ Is it time to buy listed property? 31 October ~ Live Fat Wallet Show recording Download the audio file here Subscriber to our feed here Sign up for email alerts as…

Debt: Five habits keeping you in debt

Kristia van HeerdenDebt, Latest

…values and avoid communities that make us feel like we have to prove ourselves. Debt can be the solution to a problem in the short term, but once short-term debt becomes a habit, your ability to build a future is compromised. Spend some time understanding which of these behaviours is trapping you in a debt…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: 10x Retirement Reality Report

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

[adrotate banner=”4″] Up coming events; 10 October ~ Is it time to buy listed property? 31 October ~ Live Fat Wallet Show recording 10x South African Retirement Reality Report 2019 Simon chats with 10x Investments founder and CEO Steven Nathan about their second Retirement Reality Report and a 1million give away into a retirement annuity….