The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: Money and sickness

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

…a single income family.   We took out a combined policy with life cover and LIVING LIFESTYLE COVER (with all the PLUSES, which Liberty say they gave us for free). According to what my current broker and I could deduct – upon diagnosis we should receive 25% of our insured value. This is not the…

The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: Help! I made a bad investment

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

…and that individual shares can do better or worse than the average. We also accept that bad market periods are generally followed by periods of growth. We develop respect for the fact that no company operates in a vacuum. The economy is a complex system that can impact the performance of individual companies in surprising…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: What’s the NAV?

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

…a buying reason. In fact no single metric is ever a reason for buying. We need a preponderance of evidence. * I hold ungeared positions. Download the audio file here Subscriber to our feed here Sign up for email alerts as a new show goes live Subscribe or review us in iTunes JSE – The JSE is a…