The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: Money vs education

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

…because they come from wealthy families that have access to everything from better nutrition to more free time. Parents will spare no expense to give their kids whatever they can to ensure their future success. Does that mean private schooling should be the goal for every parent, no matter the cost? I’m not convinced. In…

JSE Direct with Simon Brown

Podcast: Equal weight needs your vote to be SMART

Simon BrownJSE Direct, Latest

…winners continue to win in the near term) Size (portfolios of small companies outperform portfolios of large companies) e.g. Equal weight Quality (portfolios high quality shares outperform poor quality shares) Low Volatility (portfolios of low risk shares outperform high risk shares) I chatted to Chris Rule of CoreShares asking why the changes? What will the…

The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: What the fee?!

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

Survivors of a battle with the Debt Monster already got a nasty introduction to the world of fees. A combination of account fees and interest on debt will leave you poorer every time. This baptism of fire may have been unpleasant, but it’s not a lesson you’re soon to forget. Those most vulnerable to the…

The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: Life insurance as inheritance

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

This is not the first time I’ve heard people buying insurance products to leave money to loved ones who aren’t financially dependent. In cases of premature death, it’s genius (aside from the dying). However, insurance companies are money printing machines because they understand how to harness probability. When you take out a life insurance policy,…

The Fat Wallet Show with Kristia van Heerden

Podcast: Tax-free vs education

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

…they use the the overall index to validate their statement. I guess they are not referring to some bespoke index with smart beta components. To me any “smart or not so smart beta” is moving away from passive investing towards active investing even if the costs are lower. Passive investing should be no more complicated…