Valuations: EV/EBITDA Model (case study FBR)

Web AdminLearn Investing

Enterprise Value/Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. Not just a scary acronym, but a powerful valuation tool! Explanation and theory of the EV/EBITDA model - this webcast is the case study (find the theory video here) and we'll be using Famous Brands (FBR). Battles Fought, Victories Won: 25 Years of Lessons and Triumphs with ...

Investing in debt instruments

Web AdminLearn Investing

Old timers in the investment world will always tell you that a balanced portfolio will include some debt instruments. Not debt in that your portfolio has a loan against it, rather that you buy other institutions debt. Traditionally this would be bonds but they're out of reach of most investors - however there are a ...