Retire: Do I have enough money to retire?

Carina JoosteLatest, Retire

Spoiler alert - there are no hard and fast rules to help guarantee the ultimate in retirement comfort. But you can support this goal by being smart about your retirement roadmap: knowing how much you need to save, knowing that every percent counts and knowing that small sacrifices today mean massive returns once you leave ...

Retire: Which annuity is right for me?

Carina JoosteLatest, Retire

We often get asked which annuity is better at retirement - a living annuity (LA) or a guaranteed annuity (GA)? We’ve asked the 10X team for advice. “In choosing between the different types of annuities, you must consider a host of factors specific to you,” advises Catherine Neill, Marketing Manager at 10X. Your health, age, ...

Retire: Living vs guaranteed annuities

Carina JoosteLatest, Retire

As we’ve mentioned in our very first RA blog, at least two-thirds of your RA or pension needs to be converted into an annuity upon retirement. But one does not simply buy an annuity - with many options available to retirees, you need to do your homework before settling on an annuity that's best geared ...

Retire: All things tax

Carina JoosteLatest, Retire

First up, the 2018 budget speech and your RA In 2017 an amendment was made allowing for the transfer of your pension or provident fund to an RA if you decide to postpone retirement, or after you already retired. However, pension preservation and provident preservation funds were excluded from this amendment. This year’s budget speech ...
RA pension provident fund

Retire: RA, pension or provident fund?

Carina JoosteLatest, Retire

Saving for retirement is riddled with question marks and jargon. We'll kick off by answering one of the most-asked questions around retirement: how do we differentiate between a retirement annuity, pension fund and provident fund? All of them help you save for retirement, but they aren't synonyms. What is a retirement annuity? A retirement annuity ...