gold coins on a roulette table

Are you over-trading?

Njabulo NsibandeLatest, Village Trader

Over-trading is a common mistake when you’re starting out. In time, you will start to identify the unconscious assumptions that drive your trading decisions. In the meantime, this post highlights some common drivers, and a nifty technique to help you avoid over-trading.

Where to place a stop-loss

Njabulo NsibandeLatest, Village Trader

A stop-loss order is the most effective way to cut your losses when a trade turns. You need to place the stop-loss order when you enter the trade. But deciding where to place it is difficult – the possible positions are infinite. Here Njabulo Nsibande illustrates his strategy with last year’s S&P 500 chart.

Your Personal Retirement Fund

Njabulo NsibandeLatest, Village Trader

Your trading account is actually an ‘investment fund’ in which you’ve invested. Much like the ETFs you’ve bought, or your RA or pension fund. The only difference is that you’re the fund manager responsible for the returns.

Remember your past victories

Njabulo NsibandeLatest, Village Trader

The reality is that every trader will run into a string of losing trades at some point. A long streak can undermine your confidence, which causes more problems because you need confidence to trade effectively.

Building trading confidence

Njabulo NsibandeLatest, Village Trader

To trade successfully you need confidence and discipline. Confidence comes from competence and believing in yourself. Here are some guidelines for building your confidence and competency as a trader.