MACD trading techniques

Video: MACD trading techniques

Web AdminImprove Trading, Webinar and Video

The MACD (Moving Average, Convergence Divergence) indicator is one of the most popular indicators for traders and is a trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices. There are a number of different ways one can use it for trading and in this video Warren Peacock will show us four ...

Video: A CFD trading plan

Simon BrownImprove Trading, Webinar and Video

Warren Peacock presents a trading plan for Contracts for Difference (CFDs). This is a tried and tested system that Warren trades with his own portfolio using CFDs. View the improve your trading series US Small Caps on the move? There’s an ETF for that.US Small Caps on the move? There’s an ETF for that.24 July ...