We have long been huge fans of Candice Paine. If you are one of many who asked us about offshore investing, you’re about to become one of her fans too. In this illuminating interview, Candice explains all the different ways to take your money offshore.
I was expecting a very complicated process, but basically you can move your money into different currencies and regions from the comfort of your own bank. However, if you are determined to move money into a different country altogether, we talk about that too.
By far the scariest part of this conversation has to do with estate duties. As two of our listeners pointed out, should you die when your money is offshore, you will pay estate duties in the country where you are invested. In the USA and the UK, that is 40%. Think about that for a second. Almost half of your investment gets destroyed simply because you died – as if you had a choice!
This leads to all sorts of paperwork. Since I’m willing to do just about anything to avoid paperwork, I’m very comfortable with my offshore ETFs in my tax-free savings account.
We’ve finally reached the end of our hectic recording schedule. Life returns to normal, freeing up more time for your questions. Send them to [email protected]. I swear, if you ask me about cryptocurrencies, I’ll scream. But you can listen to a JSE Direct podcast on Bitcoin here.
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