Go where the money is

Simon BrownLatest, WorldWide Markets

Go where the money is

The Fini15 (JSE code: STXFIN*) is the only green index so far in 2022 and the strongest bank YTD? Absa (JSE code: ABG).

Simon takes us through the journey of finding the strongest sectors and then the strongest shares to find a trade where the money is.

Strongest sector for close 25 October 2022

Strongest sector for close 25 October 2022

Fini15 shares for close 25 October 2022

Fini15 shares for close 25 October 2022

Simon Shares
  • Niche JSE listed property stocks, there are a bunch of them and they’re mostly looking good.
  • Famous Brands (JSE code: FBR) results are back at pre-pandemic levels.
  • Buy triggers on Nasdaq and S&P500

* I hold ungeared positions.

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JSE Direct Podcast

Simon Brown - Just One Lap founderThursdays are all about hard-core investing with Simon Brown’s famous JSE Direct podcast. JSE Direct started life on ClassicFM in July 2008 and became a podcast in 2011. Every week Simon chats to industry experts, answers listener question (contact him here to send your Q’s) and gives his views on the state of markets and individual shares.

Reach Simon by email at [email protected],

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