We were thrilled to discover that our podcast has been downloaded 18 000 times since we kicked off in May last year. Excuse me a minute while I do a spastic dance where nobody can see me…
Okay, back to business.
Kids, death and taxes – three things Simon and I try to avoid at all times. This week we answer two listener questions about investing for children. Nolan hopes to leave his kids properties, but wants to avoid estate duties. Is this even possible?
Chantelle opened an Investec tax-free account for her two-year-old, but was told she’s not allowed to invest that money until her child is seven. This didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Seven years is a lot of investment time to lose out on. Luckily Simon knows how to get around this seemingly arbitrary limitation.
I’ve decided that it’s time to share all of the mind-bending money hacks our listeners have been sharing this year. I’m going to interview people whose personal finances inspire me. You might not think that personal finances can be inspirational, but you’d be wrong. You’ll see. If you think your financial management techniques can help others get a handle on things, write us at [email protected].
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