Podcast: The birthday episode

Kristia van HeerdenLatest, The Fat Wallet

I can’t think of anything better than learning about something that piques my curiosity. It’s an incredibly powerful antidote to boredom.

Learning is easiest in environments where beginner’s mind is encouraged, which is why I’ve always been a fan of learning in secret. When you start expecting answers instead of questions, you create an expectation of mastery. With that, humility and curiosity are lost. An expectation of mastery leads to fear and inevitable failure. Perfect, complete knowledge is a myth. Learning is a life’s work.

True understanding isn’t always a by-product of learning. When learning doesn’t stem from genuine curiosity, when asking questions isn’t encouraged, when the teacher is impatient, understanding gets lost, curiosity wanes, passion for the subject matter gets snuffed out.

More than sharing information, it’s my hope that this one-year-old show will provide a framework for asking questions. I hope, by listening to this show, you will be less afraid to speak up next time something isn’t completely clear. I hope you will never be afraid to ask the same question twice. I hope we are creating a hunger for true understanding, whatever the field.

For the last year, this show and its listeners have been a source of great pride and joy for the Just One Lap team. Thank you for listening to The Fat Wallet Show.


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