Last week we had a look at the worst JSE listed ETFs in 2022, and this week we’ll look at the winners. The list below is not as exciting as the losers were scary, but some green and mostly either smart beta, value, dividends focused or cash focused which is not something I recall ever seeing before.
NOTE: Pricing for close 12 December 2022 and are total return (including dividends) for the year-to-date.
ETF name & code |
Return |
What’s the story? |
NewFunds Namibia Bond ETF (NFNAMB) | +26.4% | Namibian bonds? Yip surprised albeit they offer decent yields. |
NewFunds Value ETF (NFEVAL) | +19.3% | Value has been a winning theme locally and globally for 2022 after a long period in the wilderness. |
NewFunds Givi Top50 (GIVISA) | +17.4% | Smart beta working, again a value style fund using intrinsic value to determine those included. |
CoreShares Dividend Aristocrats (local) (DIVTRX) | +17.0% | This ETF uses dividends payments, and longevity, to include local stocks and they should do well especially as dividends returned after many were cancelled during the pandemic. |
Satrix RAFI* (STXRAF) | +15.9% | The first smart beta ETF n the JSE and it does well. Using some fundamentals to select the stocks. It is simple and works. |
Satrix Divi (STXDIV) | +14.2% | More dividends, this ETF uses the forward dividend yield and often is a kind of value ETF in that it picks up cheap stocks with high dividend payments. |
1nvest Platinum (ETFPLT) | +14.2% | The first commodity and while well off the highs and was then helped by a weaker Rand. |
CoreShare Scientific Beta (SMART) | +11.6% | Another smart beta ETF, this one is way complex but working. |
1nvest SA Bonds (ETFBND) | +11.0% | Local bonds have been offering great yields this year. |
NewFunds TRACI 3 month (NFTRCI) | +9.3% | This ETF holds just cash and for the first time in many years, cash was a good investment. |
Simon Brown
At Just One Lap, we are big fans of passive investment using ETFs. In this weekly blog, we discuss ETFs on the local market and the factors you need to consider when choosing an ETF. If you have wondered how one ETF differs from another, this is where you can find out. We explain which index each ETF tracks, what type of portfolio could benefit from holding each ETF, and how the costs will affect your bottom line.