Retire: A glossary of fees

Carina JoosteLatest, Retire

Retirement products are complicated. So let’s get our teeth into one dimension that should always take priority: Fees.  Keep this glossary at hand when you next review your retirement product to see exactly what each fee means and how they will impact your savings in the long run.  EAC Effective Annual Cost Standard  The EAC ...

budget 2020

De Wet De VilliersLatest, Tax Tuesday

This was one of the most taxpayer-friendly budgets delivered in ages. It seems as if government—especially if you consider the rules around exchange control—are saying, “Please trust us enough to keep your money in South Africa, but if you don’t, you are free to move it offshore if you please.” Here’s a list of the ...
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ETF: Understanding the Satrix Momentum ETF

Kristia van HeerdenETF Blog, Latest

The Satrix Momentum ETF (JSE code: STXMMT) works on the assumption that companies doing well in terms of share price and earnings will continue to do well in the future. Factor-based investing is index investing 2.0. Companies are included based on certain shared characteristics. In the case of the STXMMT, that characteristic is an upward ...