Forming the foundation of your portfolio using one ETF with Gareth Stobie
ETFSA, a focused ETF specialist and investment manager, has launched the JSE’s first listed actively managed balanced Exchange Traded Fund. The ETFSA Balanced Foundation Prescient AMETF, listed under JSE share code ETFSAB, allocates exposure to all major asset classes and indexes across equities, both local and foreign; bonds; listed property and cash.
Such asset class diversification, with a healthy allocation to growth assets, makes it a great foundation for first time investors or for more experienced investors who wish to anchor their portfolios “core”, plus pursue an “explore” approach to managing their portfolios, by utilising other ETFs with specific objectives in mind.
Using the ETFSA Balanced Foundation AMETF (ETFSAB) in your Retirement portfolios with Mike Brown
- The ETFSAB is a Regulation 28 compliant portfolio, designed as the bedrock of your RA portfolios
- Also, introducing the 100% offshore Wealth Oyster portfolio for LA members.
Interactive panel discussion and Q&A session with Nerina Visser
Focussing on both passive (index tracking) and actively managed ETFs, as the pivot of your investment strategies.
This invitation is extended to ETFSA wealth management, retirement and living annuity investors, together with Simon Brown’s Just One Lap clients, for our upcoming seminar series.
The live seminars are aimed at:
- Investors seeking to understand more about balanced funds, the ETF market, actively managed ETFs and how to optimally blend asset classes for the long term;
- Investors wanting to check in on their personal finances and to engage with the ETFSA team of financial advisors.
5.30pm for 6pm with cocktails afterwards at 7pm.
Click here to attend in person at SSISA Education Academy, 10 Boundary Road, Newlands, Cape Town.
Click here to attend the webcast on 3 October.